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Voice Dialogue Trainings : The POWER of TWODorsey and Neil are a great teaching team! As a therapist and a poet both deeply involved in Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves - each offers a unique contribution. As a couple, they "walk their talk" so that their teaching comes from a rich combination of knowledge, expertise and personal experience. We are delighted to recommend them as teachers of our work. Hal Stone, Ph.D. & Sidra Stone, Ph.D. |
Voice Dialogue Summer Camp 2009
Voice Dialogue Camp August 2009!
All Levels Residential Program August 15 - 25, 2009
A wonderful opportunity to deepen your process and create lasting growth and change in your life. All levels of experience with Voice Dialogue are welcome.
You'll be able to:
be in a strong, intentional, generative, energetic environment for transformation
learn through observing and receiving facilitations from a number of practitioners from around the world, including four Voice Dialogue authors
add to your own Aware Ego process through experiencing the uniqueness of different facilitator's styles and skills
find nourishment, support, and healing in these stressful times
build lasting relationships with others who are doing consciousness work
PS: While some selves may look at the current economy and say, “You can’t afford this” I also ask you pay attention to other selves who intuitively know that being in your own process for ten days will enable you to connect and nurture those energies within that can creatively guide you and your clients through these troubled times
2009 Training in Austin, TX.
Embracing the Wisdom of Our Inner Family
M. Dorsey Cartwright, LPC, LMFT, CCMHC & A. Neil Meili, VDT
Austin, Texas, USA
Level 1 A, Feb. 26-Mar. 1, 2009 (32 CEUs) & B (Dates TBD by group)
The Psychology of the Selves is a developmental theory of the human psyche as an intricate network of many selves, sub-personalities, or energies, which forms an inner family that impacts us as much as any outer family. It provides a systemic map of how these selves interact internally and in interpersonal relationships. Voice Dialogue is a specific method for directly accessing this internal family, providing a safe way to work with both power and vulnerability.
Developing and strengthening the Aware Ego Process is the ultimate goal of Voice Dialogue. This is a Conscious Ego that is not identified with any of the inner family, yet is appreciative of the unique gifts each offers. The Aware Ego Process is capable of holding the tension of the opposites within, while making decisions that are in the best interest of the whole person. Research indicates this may strengthen the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, which my be central to intelligent behavior.
Complementing most therapeutic modalities, this unique approach provides therapists with an expanded experience of themselves as well as of their clients.
You will learn:
* The normal development of the selves, including how your dominant selves developed
* How the selves function in daily life and why you made the life choices that you have
* The archetypal pattern of how these selves interact with each other in relationships.
You will experience:
* A new understanding and appreciation of your own selves
* The magic of speaking directly to the selves in others.
* The simplicity in developing rapport with yours and others “resistances”
* Working with the Aware Ego: a unique, energetic way to balance your inner push-pulls
These trainings offer an opportunity to explore directly the nature of these interactions within yourself and your own relationships. Experiencing from the inside out will enhance your ability you to use this knowledge and method with your clients.
Full training: Level 1- A & B is $850 ($425 per class with 2 teleclasses)
Level 1 - A only, is $475 (includes 1 teleclass)
M. Dorsey Cartwright, LPC, LMFT, Certified Imago Relationship Therapist & Workshop Presenter, has trained and worked with Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone since 1987 and is the author of the International Voice Dialogue Teacher's Training Manual. With Dr. Bill Crawford, she created, Healing Your Relationships through Voice Dialogue and Imago Relationship Therapy, a CD series. She is currently in the Creative Journaling Expressive Arts training program with Dr. Lucia Capacchione. Dorsey is Past President of the Austin Chapter of AMFT
A. Neil Meili is both a successful businessman and published poet, as well as a gifted Voice Dialogue facilitator & teacher. He is the author of Shrinking heads; Expanding hearts: the psychology poems, which contains many Voice Dialogue & Imago poems and The secret life of icebergs, with a fun and insightful Voice Dialogue Bonding Pattern poem.
Since 2000, Neil and Dorsey have trained therapists, and often their partners as well, in Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, Maryland, and exotic Mykonos, Greece. In 2003 they co-presented at the Psychotherapy Networker Symposium in Washington, DC and The Israeli Marriage and Family Conference near Tel Aviv. They share a commitment to making this work available to as many couples & therapists as possible, “We have discovered that being aware of our many selves and using the Voice Dialogue method adds a tremendous sense of safety, fun, good-will, and creativity to our relationship, as well as to our workshops.” Neil & Dorsey
Level 1A: Thursday is your Personal Growth day. Friday is a basic introduction to the Psychology of Selves & the Aware Ego, and development of your Map of Selves with facilitations of some of these selves. On Saturday you will experience the creative use of judgments through being facilitated in Voice Dialogue. On Sunday we'll explore the role of the Critic in yopur practice, plus, an opportunity to practice facilitation
Level 1 B: Focuses on Voice Dialogue facilitation and beginning exploration of how the selves interact in relationships. You will experience the parent/child dynamics and the role of disowned selves and vulnerability in your own relationships (Bonding Patterns).
Level 1B: Friday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm, Saturday: 9:00 am – 8:00pm, Sunday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
CEU’s: L-1 A= 32 Hrs. for LPCs, LMFTs, Psychologists, & Social Workers
Testimonials : From Therapists who have experienced our trainings
"Dorsey Cartwright in combination with Voice Dialogue creates a powerful therapeutic experience with both positive and permanent results." Pat Love, Ed.D., Texas, USA
"Two areas that I find Voice Dialogue especially helpful. One is when a couple is really struck in the power struggle I know they are caught in a particular self (or cluster of selves) - often when I work with that self, I can then move them back into more conscious dialoguing.
The other is working directly with developmental needs - knowing a person's essence is the vulnerable child and the character structure is the various primary selves that develop at each stage to protect and try to get the child's needs met. I can now talk directly with those protectors; helping the client be more conscious of and at choice in how they take care of their vulnerabilities." Maryrita Weiner MA, LPC, Washington, DC, USA
"Voice Dialogue quickly engages another consciousness and gets one out of the analytical head or reactive self smoothly. For therapists it is a wonderful tool to help with the defenses and gain insight. For couples, it's non-threatening. This is one of the most powerful and transformational experiences I've ever had both personally and professionally." Georgina Webster, MSW, CSW, New York, USA
"When one partner is blocked, Voice Dialogue frees them to feel more respect for themselves and their partners." - Marjorie Hill, Denmark
Want to learn more?
Dorsey and Neil’s one-hour interview with Maya Kollman, Imago Master Trainer, is informative and inspiring. Audiopodium available 24/7: call 916-233-0630, ext. 349. You may also listen to and/or download this interview by going to: http://instantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=1374123
If you have any questions about downloading or listening to the audio file, call Ed Shea at 630-530-1060.
Fall Trainings for Therapists
M. Dorsey Cartwright, LPC, LMFT, CCMHC & Neil Meili
This training is based on the Psychology of the Selves and the Aware Ego, as developed by Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone* and the Voice Dialogue Method - their unique technique for actually experiencing these selves. This is so important because these selves carry the attitudes and patterns that control much of our lives. Each self has its own energy, feelings, thoughts and needs. These selves are in constant interaction with one another and the selves in other people. They are often the source of both our internal and external power struggles!
You will learn:
v The normal development of the selves, including how your dominant selves developed
v How the selves function in daily life and why you made the life choices that you have
v The archetypal pattern of how these selves interact with each other in relationships.
You will experience:
v A new understanding and appreciation of your own selves
v The magic of speaking directly to the selves in others.
v The simplicity in developing rapport with yours and others “resistances”
v Working with the Aware Ego: a unique, energetic way to balance your inner push-pulls
These trainings offer an opportunity to explore directly the nature of these interactions within yourself and within your relationships. Experiencing from the inside out will enhance your ability you to use this knowledge and method with your clients.
Full training: Level 1- A & B = $600.00 includes 2 teleclasses
Level 1 - A only = $350.00 includes 1 teleclass
Level 1-A is a basic introduction to the Psychology of Selves and the Aware Ego, with personal work in being facilitated in Voice Dialogue. You will have some experience with facilitating
Level 1-B focuses on deepening and expanding your Voice Dialogue facilitation skills and beginning exploration of how the selves interact in relationships (Bonding Patterns).
The two teleclasses between A & B support you as you practice using Voice Dialogue with your clients. Participants continue to learn from one another’s questions and experiences and maintain a sense of connection.
Hours for each day:
Friday: 3:00 am –9 pm (light dinner at workshop)
Saturday: 9:00 am – 9:00pm (lunch at workshop)
Sunday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (lunch at workshop)
Friday & Saturday evenings will be Video Fest of the Stones
M. Dorsey Cartwright, LPC, LMFT, Certified Imago Relationship Therapist & Workshop Presenter, has trained and worked with Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone since 1987 and is the author of the International Voice Dialogue Teacher's Training Manual. With Dr. Bill Crawford, she created, Healing Your Relationships through Voice Dialogue and Imago Relationship Therapy, an audiotape series. Dorsey is President–elect of the Austin – AMFT www.ImagoWorks.com
Neil Meili, published poet, writing workshop leader, and gifted Voice Dialogue facilitator & teacher. is the author of Shrinking heads; Expanding hearts: the psychology poems, which contains many Voice Dialogue & Imago poems and The secret life of icebergs, with a fun and insightful Voice Dialogue Bonding Pattern poem.
Since 2000, Neil and Dorsey have trained therapists, and often their partners as well, in Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, Maryland, and exotic Mykonos, Greece. In 2003 they co-presented at the Psychotherapy Networker Symposium in Washington, DC and The Israeli Marriage and Family Conference near Tel Aviv. They share a commitment to making this work available to as many couples & therapists as possible, “We have discovered that being aware of our many selves and using the Voice Dialogue method adds a tremendous sense of safety, fun, good-will, and creativity to our relationship, as well as to our workshops.” Neil & Dorsey
Who’s Dialoguing the Dialogue? Who’s Mirroring the Mirror?
As an Imago Therapist, much of your time is spent guiding your couples through the Imago Dialogue – supporting each as they take turns sending and receiving; teaching them how to defuse their reactivity and return to intentionality.
At those gut wrenching times when one partner is caught up in their reactivity - Wouldn’t you love an additional, effective tool for helping them shift back to intentionality? The Voice Dialogue method enables you to dialogue directly with the part that became reactive; enabling your client to get some separation from those strong feelings (often judgments) so that they can be a safe sender or receiver.
As an Imago therapist, you know that in love relationships what each partner most needs from the other for their healing is what the other is least able to give to them due to the coping defenses they develop to deal with their childhood wounding.
How much easier if you can dialogue directly with the parts that are defensive? What a gift when you can support your clients in enrolling these parts (resistances) into the BCR process?
How much better if the requesting partner can hear directly from the wounded part as to what that part really needs for healing?
In the Keeping book, Harville states, “In a matter of seconds, we may switch from feeling as we did as a child to acting like the parent we liked least. Here is the heart of the power struggle.” KTLYF, Page 231, 1992
Teach your clients an expanded perception of these archetypical Parent/Child Bonding Patterns and how to stay in intentionality when they come into play?
In his most recent book, Receiving Love, with Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt, they state,
“Self-rejection is the most universal and least recognized problem in our lives. It is the source of all our difficulties in giving and receiving love.” RL, p. 72, 2004.
· Learn more about the origins and purpose of the inner critic that fuels this self-rejection and teach your clients how to lessen its role in their lives.
In the introduction to Getting the Love You Want, A guide for Couples, Dr. Harville Hendrix states that, “Whether or not you realize the full potential of this vision [intimate, joyful, life long union] depends not on your willingness to attract a perfect mate, but on your willingness to acquire knowledge about hidden parts of yourself.”
GTLYW: A Guide for Couples, 1st Edition, p. xiv. 1990.
For your single clients:
“If you are able to reclaim some of your split off parts while you are single, you will not need to seek them in another.” KTLYF: A Personal Guide, p. 221, 1992.
Using Voice Dialogue in conjunction with Imago Relationship Therapy, you and your clients will develop conscious relationships with these hidden and split off parts as well as with the parts (character structure) that have kept them hidden and split off.
Want to learn more? Your colleagues have found Dorsey and Neil’s one-hour interview with Maya Kollman informative and inspiring. Audiopodium available 24/7 – call 918-222-7201, ext. 349.
Upcoming Opportunities to learn more about Voice Dialogue:
1) MID-ATLANTIC ASSOCIATION FOR IMAGO RELATIONSHIP THERAPISTS Presents Who's Mirroring Who? Applications of Voice Dialogue in Your Life & Imago Practice. Friday, June 3, 2005. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. McLean Baptist Church, McLean, VA. $125 for Full Day – 6 CEU’s available.
2) Basic Training the weekend of June 17-19, 2005. This will be at the beautiful, serene, Sanctuary Retreat Center in Beallsville, MD., which is less than an hour from downtown DC. http://www.sanctuaryretreatcenter.com/. This is an introduction to the Psychology of Selves and the Aware Ego, with the focus on your personal work of being facilitated in Voice Dialogue and an opportunity to experience facilitating.
3.) Intermediate Training is the following week, June 24-26, at Ann Dobbertin’s office in Silver Spring, MD. It is for those who’ve attended our basic training or who have completed Level I elsewhere or have been actively using Voice Dialogue, the Psychology of the Aware Ego, and the energetics of the selves in their practice, and desire to expand and broaden their experience and understanding of the Psychology of the Aware Ego and its connection to Relationships and Bonding Patterns. Also for those desiring to deepen their skills in using Voice Dialogue and Imago together.
The fee for each is $375.00 or $700.00 if you attend both. ( A manual with articles and exercises to take back into your practice is provided with each training.)
For the Basic Training please add $175 for room & meals at the Sanctuary. Rooms may be double occupancy.
Each training provides 21.5 CEU hours.** This coverage is from the University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work.
We know that the Maryland NASW Board has reciprocity with the University of Texas, as does the Maryland Board for Counselors. The Virginia Board of Social Workers and Board of Psychologist also have reciprocity. If you are from another state, please check with your board for reciprocity.
**[For those who want to work with Drs. Hal & Sidra Stone, they require 36 hours Voice Dialogue training experience in order to attend a weeklong training in their mystical home near Medocino, CA. This can be accomplished through private sessions as well as training programs.]
Dorsey and Neil are a great teaching team! As a therapist and a poet both deeply involved in Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves - eachoffers a unique contribution. As a couple, they "walk their talk" so thattheir teaching comes from a rich combination of knowledge, expertise andpersonal experience. We are delighted to recommend them as teachers of ourwork. Hal Stone, Ph.D. & Sidra Stone, Ph.D.
Since 2000, Neil and Dorsey have trained therapists, and often their partners as well, in Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, Maryland, and exotic Mykonos, Greece. In 2003 they co-presented at the Psychotherapy Networker Symposium in Washington, DC and The Israeli Marriage and Family Conference near Tel Aviv. They share a commitment to making this work available to as many couples & therapists as possible, “We have discovered that being aware of our many selves and using the Voice Dialogue method adds a tremendous sense of safety, fun, good-will, and creativity to our relationship, as well as to our workshops.” Neil & Dorsey
Testimonials - From Imago Therapists who have experienced our trainings:
"Barbara and I attended a three day training with Dorsey Cartwright on Voice Dialogue and we both found it extremely helpful. It is a perfect fit with Imago Therapy and another way to deepen the work. Dorsey is a fabulous trainer. Clear, boundaried and empathic. She facilitated Barbara and me in a demo and I was so impressed with her skill." Maya Kollman, Master Trainer, New Jersey, USA
"Voice Dialogue and Imago Relationship Therapy really enrich and complement one another. Dorsey and Neil, you were great! You really gave it your all!" Susan Villet, MS, LPC, CIRT France
"Two areas that I find Voice Dialogue especially helpful. One is when a couple is really struck in the power struggle I know they are caught in a particular self (or cluster of selves) - often when I work with that self, I can then move them back into more conscious dialoguing. The other is working directly with developmental needs - knowing a person's essence is the vulnerable child and the character structure is the various primary selves that develop at each stage to protect and try to get the child's needs met. I can now talk directly with those protectors; helping the client be more conscious of and at choice in how they take care of their vulnerabilities."
Maryrita Weiner MA, LPC, CIRT, Washington, DC, USA
"Voice Dialogue is another way to help people in the dialogue process to get in touch with their childhood wounds, needed behavior changes, core scenes…. I have found it very helpful with couples that are “stuck”, couples I have been working with for awhile, couples with lots of conflict which makes dialogue difficult. I use Voice Dialogue within the Imago structure of mirroring, validating and empathizing."
Ann Dobbertin, LCSW-C, CIRT, Maryland, USA
"Voice Dialogue fits very well with Imago Therapy. When one partner is
blocked, Voice Dialogue frees them to feel more respect for themselves and
their partners." - Marjorie Hill, CIRT, Denmark
"Dorsey Cartwright in combination with Voice Dialogue creates a powerful therapeutic experience with both positive and permanent results." Pat Love, Ed.D.
REGISTRATION - Contact Dorsey at 512-444-7733 or Mdcartw@aol.com Please phone in credit card information. Make check payable to M. Dorsey Cartwright . Pay at the workshop.
Country ____________ Home phone ( )____________Work phone ( )_______________
Fee $________ , Check Enclosed____ Money Order____ Amount Enclosed_______
Credit Card: MC/Visa/Amex: Number ____________________________Exp. Date __/__ Amount_____
Name (as it appears on credit card)___________________________________
Billing Address of your credit card ________________________________Signature____________________________
Who's Mirroring Who? ~ MAIT
Presented By M. Dorsey Cartwright, M.Ed., LPC, LMFT, CCMHC and Neil Meili
Sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Association for Imago Relationship Therapists
Friday, June 3, 2005 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Mclean Baptist Church ~ McLean, VA.
Cost: $145
Morning: An introductory exercise for experiencing different selves and an interactive presentation on the theory of the Psychology of Selves, followed by a demonstration of the power of only working with a primary self (character structure in Imago language).
Lunch Time: Lunch on your own; participants will fill in a brief Imago Work-up form.
Afternoon: A presentation on the role of judgments in relationships and how to use these judgments to help couples and individuals reclaim their wholeness. The focus will be on using judgments from the Imago Work-ups to enable participants to discover both a primary and disowned self (character structure and missing self).
Voice Dialogue demonstration of working with judgments and then participants will move into small groups to be facilitated by Imago therapists trained in Voice Dialogue.
MAIT has applied for (6) CE units for psychologists, social workers and counselors.
Any MAIT questions, please call Sharon Nalley @ 301-977-9840 or email imagoma@verizon.net Directions to McLean Baptist Church: http://www.imagoma.org/trainout.htm (at bottom of page)
Registration for: Who's Mirroring Who? Applications of Voice Dialogue in Your Life & Imago Practice - Due: May 20, 2005
Name:_______________________________________________ Phone:______________________
email:_______________________________________________ (for confirmation of registration)
Amount Enclosed: ________________ (Check only) Mail to: MAIT
PO Box 3894
Gaithersburg MD 20878
You may also pre-pay using PAYPAL (you can charge it to your credit card via PayPal at no extra fee to you); go to www.paypal.com, log in or open an account if you don't have one (free and easy), and pay the registration fee to mail@imagoma.org - PLEASE note "Who's Mirroring Who?" in the memo section of the payment.
If you have any questions, please email Sharon at imagoma@verizon.net. Confirmation of registration will be sent via email in mid-May. If you have chosen to use PayPal for payment or if you registered and don’t receive confirmation by May 22, please send a brief email letting her know.
Thank you.
Sharon Nalley
MAIT Administrator
Spring 2005 Voice Dialogue Trainings
1. FREE 3-hour Introduction to Voice Dialogue Seminars
@The Texas Institute of Voice Dialogue Training, Austin, Texas
- February 4, 2005, Friday, 2 pm – 5 pm
- February 12, 2005, Saturday, 10 am – 1 pm
- February 22, 2005, Tuesday, 6 pm – 9 pm
Learn from the comfort of your office or home.
- February 1 or 15, 2005, Tuesday, 12 pm – 1 pm
- February 3 or March 3, 2005, Thursday, 9 am – 10 am
- February 5 or March 5, 2005, Saturday, 10 am – 11 am
- February 9 or March 9, 2005, Wednesday, 2 pm – 3 pm
Level 1 – Parts A & B: Basic Training in Voice Dialogue, the Psychology of Selves & the Aware Ego Process – You will learn how the inner family develops and interacts in relationships. You will experience the energetic shift in consciousness during the Aware Ego process and learn how to facilitate others in Voice Dialogue.
- Part A – March 11-13, 2005
- Part B – April 8-10, 2005
Level 1 – A only – $325 including 1 teleclass
Location – The Texas Institute of Voice Dialogue Training, Austin, Texas
Each part provides 20 CEUs for LPCs, LMFTs and psychologists; 20 contact hours, 2 CEUs for social workers.
The Inner Critic - Session 1
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Excerpt from the video "The Inner Critic In Action". Session conducted by Sidra Stone, PhD. Running time: 12mins.
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Past Events
August 2004September 2004
January 2005
May 2005
July 2005
January 2006
March 2009